underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Friday, June 20, 2008
8:19 AM

am going to kick myself in the ass alright...came here got myself an account and now guess what you're right!!! i'm back to writing in it again after say...hmmm 2 freaking months...way to go vicky way to go....
sigh but i'm back and hopefully i treat you with a little more care from now on yup...i havent thought of the title for my sequel of mirage yet...ira met this guy...italian...getting interested thought so... italian yummy and has a great sense of taste when it comes to shoes...if i were her( ira i mean) i would have him down the aisle and slipping a ring(non- diamond) on the second last finger of my left hand before he learnt how to pronounce my name with an indian accent rather than an italian one(pssssst tried it in italian didnt do my name no justice)....
so what interesting so far in my life...wow where do i even start...for once my confidence is back...i walk around everyday with this little made up face...trying to act as if everything is okay loving my life as it is trying to make people think i am at total ease...after all this years that face has shall i say finally become a reality...you know what...i finally am happy with where i am what i am doing and am ready for more...is it the change of the people around me or was it more like i needed to see some more of the world before i realized that what i have is enough....
that left me with the question...
are we really satisfied with what we are...well my economics teacher will have my neck for this...because in economics and in real life people are never satisfied...but i beg to differ on this...coz satisfaction is there... if not for long then for that few seconds after you put spoon of vanilla chocolate chip ice-cream you have been craving the whole week... you put that spoon in your mouth close your eyes to fully engulf yourself in its taste and then your eyes and sigh up tot the heavens with you taste buds humming in delight...that few seconds world is satisfaction at its finest...then u suddenly remembered you forgot to ask for your ice-cream to be placed on a cone rather than the cup you got and pout a bit before moving on and letting your thoughts wonder to the various avenues they usually do...so people...or whoever gets to read this...enjoy those moments cause they are rare and often you dont even realize them...but what i think in you will be happier if you do take note of them...give yourself that little bit more happiness and sense of achievement yup in this world that rarely gets satisfied

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
ohhhhhhh nooooooooooo
1:13 AM

i don't know i'm ready. but i'm going todo it anyway. i don't know if it will all work out. but i'm going to die trying. School starts the next day. i can't believe the long holiday is over, how did it go so fast. now i got school the next day. not any other school mind you, i'm going into a polytechnic. i'm screwed. like oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what if i don't fit in. i mean i will make friends. but the thought of making a whole lot of them again is soooo frustrating....welll i have school the next day and so this is about the end to all my long post. so for those who grumbled about them...lucky you
cheerios cya

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
ok ok i get it
9:08 PM

alright I'll give it to ya all. i was pretty mad when i composed the previous post yesterday. i feel nasty about it. but by no chance am i going to remove any of it off, i dunno i just feel somehow that post has earned its place there as all the other post. you're all free to tag board me and let me know whats running through your head. well i don't know if all that came out of being angry or hurt. well i think it was hurt that i let out through anger. i don't like letting people know that i have been hurt. kind of leaves me vulnerable. especially if the wrong people came to know of it. Paranoia? i don't know. it may just be it. i have been pretty peaceful for the past two years. no problem at all. me, my studies my family, me. that about summed up m entire worries. even when i left school when my parents showed their dislike for my friends i was strong, i fought for them. but now i don't know if what i have been fighting for all this time is so important at all.
maybe i should start putting up a huge barrier in between with friends and family and so- called family but truly traitors. well my so- called family but truly traitors are back. and in full action doing what they do best. being asses. they have returned all pig- brained and are here to stay. i preferred it when they were far away very very far away. you know what i know they would rather be far away too. and i have no idea what they are trying to achieve being a A class ass hole and a snob. okay they have problems and does everyone who walks this Earth. if everyone decided to be childish and self- centered asses like them the world would stink.
god i had no idea i could hate like this. anyways i'm never eating or drinking in that house ever. they have no connection to me whatsoever. their ties with us are far over.
actually i think it's more their loss then mine. with all this going on. i have decided paying too much attention to my friends problems and my problems with them will drive me nuts. so i'm going to concentrate on my studies and making sure the asses who have returned never hurt my family. that's my major priority . God bless us all

i promise
1:59 AM

okay so here's the deal... yesterday we went out for my friends Birthday. we went to Tampines mall nothing big, nothing fancy but on our opinion we thought it would be enough. but Surprise Surprise it wasn't. well supposedly the entire time we were planning to give the guy something to have fun with to forget the past few weeks that have been nasty and everything. it wasn't enough. i somehow have probably come to this conclusion that whatever we do for him won't ever be enough. and maybe it's time i stopped trying. maybe it's time i opened my eyes and see that i'm wasting my time. we all are. he has to lick his own wounds after which if he still remembers us all and thing we are important to him at all then we can move from there. because at the moment he is stagnant and so are all of us or in this case i guess I'm the only one on the loosing end cause everyone else has moved on. well that's coming to an end cause i too have decided to move on. no more late night calls. no more talking to them hourly on the phone. because at the end of the day when i do sit down and see it all, i only find myself on the loosing end. personally I'm very free. i have no problems what so ever. my family is godsend. and i'm grateful for them and they are the ones who matter. while i started spending so much time on all my other friends and their lives i have been neglecting my own. well that's about to change.
yesterday for me to get out of my house for the party was so damned tough on its own. i had to do some major convincing and they were half hearted. i knew that. but i thought of my friend and figured it would mean to him a lot if i was there too and we tried to make him happy it would take his mind of things. in my opinion i figured we all did our part and the outing was a success but for the GOH himself. it was just any other birthday, nothing special. well all i can say is i'm sorry and i hope u have a better time this Sunday.
i have reset my goals back in order. worked it all out. i'm not going to go chase after something i know i can never have and in the process hurt myself. i have a very uncomplicated life right now and thats a whole lot more then a lot of people have right now. in my opinion thats all i need. i have only one regret. maybe if i had waited one week and had this conversation with my dad which i just did a few minutes ago it would have been awesome. but well maybe i am better off. i will however clock the whole thing up as experience. haha god knows i need them. well so now i gotta go to polytechnic. hit my grades. i have to ensure it all works man, lol. i have to get in shape shed those pounds. and then after all that when i know i'm at my best. i will only get the best. that's when i will hold on to what i deserve and never let go... till that day
which wont be anytime soon i'll wait. it's like a good bottle of french wine. the value snowballs through the years
cheerios vicky

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
well well well
5:59 PM

alls well i guess if you don't mind the huge messiness and clutter all round my life at the moment. Somehow i cant seem to recall a time when i was ever this close to not knowing what it is actually that's going on around me. it's alien territory to say the least and to my up most horror all my previous escapades aren't much of help to the measure of this particular scenario. how much do i really need to do. my temper is famous over the 7 continents ( i wish) my patience is sparse so how in the world am i going to manage i ask. and it return i got back silence...well not exactly silence( try living in a house with six occupants...silence becomes the forbidden fruit). somehow or rather this particular adventure i have begun is rather different from the others. yes I'm starting polytechnic and its the biggest transition of my life to date but so what i feel that the biggest change that would ever happen to me is yet to happen and when it does you will be the first to know. well i dont know how to put it across to everyone...but it is going to happen i pray it will.


Friday, March 21, 2008
being 18.......Day 1.....i had to repaste this post coz something happen to it earlier
11:14 PM

I did it. i finally did it. i made it i finally did. i woke up, feeling totally normal. i looked in the mirror and saw nothing different except that little pimple on my cheek. it sure picked some timing. but other then that i looked the same felt the same. but there was something in me some sort of realization that i just passed a bench mark. i just passed it. so what did that mean. oh yea i can hit a few shots of wine and get away with it. i can even drive a car god bless Singaporean roads and drivers when i do. when i look back over the last few years. the past year remains the most memorable.

i was 17 and i had just gotten my 'O' level results. my L1R5 was 11 and my L1R4 8. i had wanted so badly to go to a JC all my four years in secondary school. the thought of it just seemed incredibly prestigious. as the time for the selection of the schools came i realized that wasn't for me. i couldn't work in such an environment. it was just too much for me to handle.but my parents waned it and i wanted them happy. i agreed. and in march in entered Pioneer Junior college.

in secondary school i had never had a guy as a friend. at least not as a close friend. i was a prefect. and i took my job seriously. i was bullied for it had for it cursed for it. but i did what i felt was right and never regretted it. the teachers were happy with me. they praised my moral courage. never a day would u find where Vicky was seen with her shirt out her socks low on he ankle and her tie loose. i was the perfect student. i had friends who studied all the time like me. we had our own fun. we cooled our recess, took turns so our recess menu was always amazing and we didn't give a damn of what others said. but still we maintained our distance with guys. others would have thought we were weird but i knew many envied us. cause to us life was as simple as we made it. we took joy in little things, our lives were filled with books and our joy and pain came from them and each other. while our classmates jumped from one boyfriend to the other we were exchanging notes. and at the end of the day when i went to take my results. i saw all my friends sweating and filled with nerves. but i, i was clam. cause i knew i did all that i could, and if that still wasn't enough i didn't know wad would be.

i shocked myself with an A1 with English, i mean i spoke well and everything. but with English you could never be so sure. my friends and i hugged each other. we were splitting up and though all the other classmates had their boyfriends and girlfriends hugging them when the got their results whether they were good or bad i dunno. i looked back from my closer friends and saw who stood behind us. our parents. and they were beaming. and i thought. it was worth it. all of it. to see that look on their faces. and when we were walking out. so many teachers came up to us and spoke with us. telling us how proud they are that we stuck to who we were and didn't change to fit in. we made it work for ourselves. the feeling was awesome. when i walked out of my secondary school i told myself, the only the school would remember me for was for my public appearances on stage being the EMCEE and being a STUDENT COUNCILOR and BEING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ELDDS.

i was proud that when my name was spoken i wont be refereed to as oh that guys girlfriend or latest fling or the girl outside the General Office. i left happy and proud and the feeling overshadowed the joy of my grades. cause you could have done fantastically but to me its the impression you made that counts. cause that's what would keep you in memory.

through the first three months i stayed home. i wanted to be able to spend some time home to collect myself. before my mad rush in JC. during that time i did something i still can't believe i did. i wrote my first book. i titled it Mirage. i wrote it. and when i read back certain paragraphs i couldn't believe it was written by me. i surprised myself. then i realized it was written with such fervor because it was what i wanted. the story was of what i wanted in life and what i pictured i would be. i was a dreamer then and still am.

so i walked in to my JC. it was crowded. filled with so many students and there i stood with my secondary school uniform. the orientation was about to begin. i saw how close the students were. and immediately i clocked it up as a front they were putting up. they were acting as though they loved dancing around and singing to some old song but in fact they hated it and this exact moment they would rather be doing something else. and for just a minute i regretted coming to a JC. but i bit my tongue and went through with it. i tried to make friends with some of them in my group. but although they were friendly they just moved away didn't bother to become closer. they answered my questions. and left it. that was when i realized. it wasn't them but me. i was being closed up. because i was so used to it in secondary school then over the march hols before school started proper. i decided i was going to put an end to this. and one thing i did do was change my hair. the way i tied it. i go into the latest trends in school. like the bag the shoe and even the water bottle. it actually felt good, to realize i was doing something to make it work.

then the first day of school started i immediately cliques with Divya, Swetha and Preethi and Meveen. and we had a blast. all us girls we had fun exploring the school and hen it started. the guys eyeing the girls and the girls eyeing the guys. it was interesting at this point in time. cause the guys i started seeing were those immature ones i hates in secondary school. they were grown....oh yea fully grown. some towering me like crazy. but it was interesting to see my friends with their eyes turning over and glazed. then there was this one guy in school who we all thought looked pretty good. and they were all so shy to go up to him and everything. so i did the unimaginable i had overhear what his name was...so i walked up to him stood right in front of him and saw the slight hesitation in his stride...that gave me the strength to do what i did next. before i knew it there were words coming out of my mouth "Hey, i heard about you. Can i have your number?" i asked before stretching out my phone into his hand for him to key it in. he was shocked then he took the phone and keyed his number and told me to give him a miss call. then i smiled at him and walked backed to my friends. i saw their mouths hanging and all i could do was laugh out. i couldn't believe what i just did. but i felt good. it felt great to know i could unnerve that fella. and today he is one of my bestest best friends and his girlfriend whom he was attached to even before JC was my friend too. and this is one moment i wont ever forget. this was my transition.

yesterday i turned 18 and i remembered the past year. it was very eventful. i had my first boyfriend and my own group of friends whom i want to stay with forever. it was my future. so i will leave u here for now and fill you in on more...today on the first day since i turned 18 i thought of this. tomorrow hopefully my mind does more
cheers ppl

Saturday, March 8, 2008
ira davis skye
4:23 AM

over in the narration i wrote a bit on Jessie Davis, a character in a book i was working on. She to me was someone who lived her teenage days to the best she could in every way she knew. someone who grasped on to life on a stranglehold. not because she was choking herself, but because she wanted to relish in every moment of it. every second. i really liked that about Jessie. she was to me everything Ira wished she had and was but couldn't because Ira still saw life through rose tinted glasses and in many aspects Jessie had stopped years ago.

okay what i came here to write about was about my life in PJC, being in SC. so i was in SC for a period of 3 months before i called it quits. the very next week after i got elected in and after i had been introduced to the masses as someone in the supposed most prestigious CCA in the school. though i to date believe the title would be more suitable for the rugby team. They are awesome i'm not being biased, as the best player is my neighbor and good friend. lol.

yea then on my first meeting i got the role of being a leader for one of the teams that will in the end be part of the investiture where we will be sworn in formally. during the first meeting with my group, i walked in and saw the faces of my members. i saw in everyone of their faces a leader and a resentment that i was indeed standing there leading them and not themselves. it scared me. it was reality sinking in that I'm dealing with people from a totally different level.

then that very week i had to walk into hospital as my knee was again giving me a hell of a problem. i was on MC for better most of two weeks and obviously my team didn't like it. they tolerated it for a while after which they just hated any relation with me and every meeting with them was tight and sparse.

then i started feeling out of place. never attended school regularly after. the pain some mornings was beyond me, especially when it was cold. i hated school and i hated to have anything to do with them .during this time shan wasn't really that close to me yet. kanesh timothy they all had their own lives and my gals preethi, divya and meveen did their best i guest. but i couldn't do it. i couldn't face school, cause i didn't know the answers to anything, i couldn't face the SC cause i knew i contributed to nothing. it sucked cause 17 and 18 years were my shining years. and here i was caught with a damn injury barely able to walk and getting scrutinized for something i didn't ask for. i could see it in their looks they were just waiting for me to say or do something so that they could lay all the mistakes and all blames on me. and i was guilty enough to just let them .

only then did realize that this was a different kind of bullying . Shan noticed my probs finally and i told him how much i could. but i didn't open myself fully i closed myself up. that was when i met Sanjay. He was so nice. he listened and he was a couple of years older. he was everything i needed.

ok till next time
